Stuffed Ark - Life-Like Stuffed Animals Stuffed
Dodo Bird

Stuffed Ark - Life-Like Stuffed Animals

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Stuffed Dodo Bird

Dodo Bird

A carefully designed, life-sized stuffed dodo bird from
Folkmanis Puppets.

17 Inches Tall

Folkmanis Stuffed Dodo Bird


Folkmanis offers stuffed animals with a special bonus - they come alive as hand puppets.  For teaching, story telling, or just plain fun, free your imagination with Folkmanis!

All Prices Plus Shipping & Handling

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Stuffed Ark Corporation
4790 Luneman Road  -  Placerville, CA  95667
(800) 530-6391  *  (530) 642-2378 fax  *  Email Stuffed Ark

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