Link to Stuffed Ark and Earn Some Cash 
You enjoy shopping at Stuffed
Ark. Now, if you have a web site, you can introduce us to your web site visitors and
earn an affiliate commission. Our affiliate program, managed by Share A Sale, makes it easy for you to link your
site visitors to Stuffed Ark. Through Share A Sale, we pay an affiliate commission
equal to 10% of merchandise sales.
The Appeal of Life-like Stuffed Animals 
Each person has a special
affinity for particular animals, or for concepts which are represented by particular
animals. Stuffed Ark is all about bringing people together with their own special
stuffed animals. We go beyond teddy bears and Easter bunnies to present an extensive
variety of animals from aardvarks to zebras. Chances are we have, or can find, just
the right stuffed animals for your web site visitors.
The Affiliate Business Plan 
Our affiliate program will be
of most value to a web site that attracts visitors with an interest in animals. We offer a
great way for a web store to add a life-like stuffed animal section, or for an association
or school site to acquire a new fund raising tool. Several general purpose text and
banner links can be found at Share A Sale, or we can custom design unique links suited to
your site. Our objective is to increase our sales by adding worthwhile content to
your web site.
How It Works 
Stuffed Ark is registered as a
merchant at Share A Sale. Our affiliates
are signed up through Share A Sale, where they have the benefit of an experienced
professional program manager. For example, Share A Sale provides the legal structure
of a standard affiliation arrangement, they facilitate regular payment to all affiliates,
and they maintain a service department to handle affiliate issues.
Our affiliates post Stuffed
Ark text or banner links on their web pages. Visits to Stuffed Ark which originate
by means of these links are automatically noted. When a referred visitor to our site
makes a purchase through our shopping cart within 60 days of clicking our affiliate link,
an affiliate account at Share A Sale is credited with 10% of the merchandise total.
Share A Sale makes monthly payments to affiliates.
Want to Learn More? 
Stuffed Ark is a family
business. Our customers and our affiliates are important to us. Check out the
Share A Sale program for web
site publishers. Then, if you want to talk about how Stuffed Ark can best contribute
toward the success of your web site,
send email or give us a call.